St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church
25181 E Broadway Ave
PO Box 277
Veneta, OR 97487
Office: (541) 935-3933
Note: Although there are no specific parish “office hours,” someone is usually at the office in the morning of most weekdays. Please feel free to leave a message so we can return your call.
Activities Contact Persons: Mila Bill
(phone numbers are not published to the web)
Note: You can also leave a message for contact with the following people or use your Parish Directory to call them at home.
Administrative Council: President, Chris Demers
Parish Finances & Administrative Policy: Fr. Ron Nelson
Altar Society: Diane Campbell, President
Meeting dates and times are announced in the Parish Bulletin and listed on the Parish Calendar. Funeral Luncheons & Group fund raising for charity & parish liturgical needs.
Anointing of the Sick (English or Latin Extreme Unction), Fr. Ron Nelson,
Mila Bill, or a Homebound Minister can help schedule
Baptism (Infant or Adult, English, Spanish, or Latin celebration),
Mila Bill or Fr. Ron Nelson
Registration and Preparation required in advance; celebrated as you prefer
Bookkeeping, Fatima Farje
Bulletin Editor, contact parish office
Deadline is Thurs. 9 a.m.
Church Cleaning,
Scheduled weekly cleaning of church by volunteers
Coffee Social, Friendship Sunday:
Designated Sundays after 9:30 am Mass
Confirmation Preparation, contact parish office
Dynamic Catholic Books, Resources and Programs, Helen Lucas
Religious Education and Faith Formation:
Faith formation, all ages: Judy Jesiah
Eucharistic Ministry to the Homebound (weekly), contact Parish Office
Call if you or someone you know wishes to have Holy Communion brought to them by a lay minister.
Fern Ridge Ministerial Association, Fr. Ron Nelson
Monthly Area Ministers Meeting
First Communion Preparation, contact parish office
Funeral Luncheons, see Altar Society
Post-Funeral pot luck provided by parishioners, organized by Altar Society
Grounds-keeping - Don Persyn
Last Rites, Pastoral Care for the Dying, Fr. Ron Nelson or Mila Bill
Properly speaking, the “last rites” are our final Eucharistic Communion, called Viaticum
Pastoral Care for the Dying should begin with Anointing or Extreme Unction when death is imminent, i.e. when Hospice begins
Latin Mass and Sacraments, Fr. Ron Nelson or Mila Bill
If you wish to celebrate the other sacraments of Baptism, Confession, Extreme Unction, or Marriage in the Extraordinary or Latin Form, do not hesitate to make your preference known to us
Maintenance of Parish Facilities/ Clean-up Days, Fr. Ron Nelson
Maintenance and Repair of Parish Facilities
Mass Intentions, Mila Bill
Arrange to have the Sacrifice of the Mass offered for your intention
One Mass every weekend and Holy Day is set aside for all members
Ministries, Liturgical, Mila Bill
Liturgical Ministers at English Masses (Readers, Eucharistic Ministers at Mass, Ushers, Altar Servers)
Parishioner Assistance Fund, Fr. Ron Nelson
Financial assistance for active Members of the Parish. Confidential.
Prayer Chain, Mila Bill
Notification system to ask for parishioner prayer support
Records, Mila Bill
Obtain copies of sacramental records of Baptism & Marriage
Sacrament Preparation, Mila Bill
Preparation for Baptism, Confirmation, 1st Penance, 1st Eucharist & Marriage
School Subsidy, Catholic Schools in Eugene, Fr. Ron Nelson
Parish support to other parishes with Catholic Schools based on individual school enrollment by active/participating members of St. Catherine Parish.
St. Vincent de Paul, St. Catherine Conference, Kay Beach
Financial assistance, e.g., home furnishings, utilities for those in need.
Contact the Parish office.
Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life, Fr. Ron Nelson
We will help answer and support your inquiries
Parish Webmaster: Helen Lucas (541-729-1458)